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Sleeveless Jacket

These instructions and photograph appeared in the pamphlet "Columbia Yarns for Army and Navy Relief Work" Columbia Yarns of New York published these instructions for women throughout the United States to use when making knitted "Articles officially recommended by the American Red Cross." These knitted goods would be distributed for the comfort of American soldiers serving overseas, in the First World War, by the Red Cross.

This set of instructions are for a "Sleeveless Jacket" or Sweater

Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn, 3 hanks
2 Celluloid or Bone Knitting Needles, 14 inch, No. 8

Cast on 80 stitches, knit 2 purl 4, for 4 inches; now knit until work measures 23 inches, slip the first 26 stitches off on an extra needle, bind off the next 28 stitches for the neck and on the remaining 26 stitches knit 5 ribs: now knit 5 ribs on the first 26 stitches, then knit 26 stitches, cast on 28 stitches, knit remaining 26 stitches, knit 19 inches on this length, knit 2, purl 2 for 4 inches, bind off loosely. Sew up the sides, leaving 9 inches for the armhole.

Finish neck and armhole with a row of Slip Stitches.

Submitted by Jason Shiptoski


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