civil war : living historians in action

Atlanta History Center

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The first set of photos are from the 2001 Civil War Encounters held at the Atlanta History Center.

Whiskey!!!A little too much whiskey!Commissary dividing up rationsJohn McKinnell and Brian MeadFederal Soldier - Brian MeadPardsFederal TroopsRefugees

The two photos of the creation & destruction of a 16' section of rail is from a special weekend at Pickett's Mill Historic Site where living historians helping White Star Consulting, created Sherman's Neckties for in the "Gone for a Soldier" exhibit at AHS.

Anthony predrilling a hole for the spikebending the rail


Photos from the Annual Civil War Encampment at the Atlanta History Center

federals marchingRefugeesRobin & BrianConfederatesFederals and CiviliansVisualize Whirled PEAs!Mmmm, rationsGuy Musgrove Sleeping in a Corncrib


civil war : living historians in action