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Images from Our Meager Collection

(None show evidence Revenue Stamps)

1 Tintype, no marks other than "Clark" pencilled onto upper right corner.

2 Tintype, no marks.

3 CDV, simple backmark reading, "Photographed by Henry Payne, (Successor to N. E. Lewis,) Mount Vernon, Ohio."

4 CDV, pencilled "My mother at 16 years", embellished backmark reading, "From J. L. Judd's Gallery, Litchfield, Conn."

5 CDV, simple backmark reading, "Photographed by Charles W. Eberman, No. 26 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. No. of Negative 14785." (See also image 13 from same studio, and images 12 & 14 - later work from same studio.

6 CDV, cut into an oval and pasted to elaborate "frame". No backmark.

7 Tintype in embossed paper frame. No backmark.

8 CDV, simple backmark reading, "Photographed by F. Jas. Evans Premium Sunbeam Gallery, South George Street York, Pa. Copies of this Picture can be had by sending name." "A. S." pencilled on back.

9 CDV, simple backmark reading, "Evans & Prince, Photographers, York, Pa. No. 6239". "A. S." pencilled on back. (See also image 18 from same studio.)

10 CDV, simple backmark reading, "Chas. E. Wallin & Co., Photographers, York, Penna. Duplicates furnished at any time by sending name, and number of Negative. Negative No. 618". "A. S." pencilled on back.

11 CDV, embellished backmark reading, "Perry & Loveridge's Forest City Gallery, 140 Broughton St. Savannah, GA. Additional copies from the photo from which this picture is taken can be had if desired."

12 CDV, embellished backmark reading, "B. Frank. Saylor & Co. Successors to the late Chas. W. Eberman, No. 26 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. No. 21860".

13 CDV, simple backmark reading, "Photographed by Charles W. Eberman, No. 26 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. No. of Negative 16368".

14 CDV, emebllished backmark reading, "B. Frank. Saylor & Co. Successors to the late Chas. W. Eberman, No. 26 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. No. 21893".

15 CDV, image raised upon embossed oval, embellished backmark reading, "Photographed by Winter, No. 28 East Main St. Springfield, Ohio. Negatives Preserved. No. ..........

16 CDV, simple backmark reading, "Phographed by W. H. Thurbush, Delaware, Ohio."

17 Tintype, no marks.

18 CDV, simple backmark reading, "Evans & Prince, Photographers, York, Pa. No. 9300". "A. S." pencilled on back.

19 CDV, "Mary Brasee" inked on front, "Mary Brasee - Mrs. Hamill of Newark" inked on back, no backmark.


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