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Image from Basic Training Workbook, Feb 1945

Image from Basic Training Workbook, Feb 1945

Image from Basic Training Workbook, Feb 1945

Reconnaissance of woods. The near edges of woods should always be approached with caution, the platoon being halted if necessary. The scouts reconnoiter in pairs, one man entering the woods, the other remaining at the edge to maintain contact with the platoon. The scout who enters proceeds to the limit of visability. If no sign of the enemy is discovered, he signals "Forward," which signal is transmitted to the platoon by the scout remaining at the edge of the woods. The scouts remain as they are until the advanced elements of the platoon reach the edge of the woods. In passing through the woods, distances and intervals are reduced so that adjacent pairs of scouts can see each other and the platoon runners in rear.

Image from Essenials of Infantry Training, 1940


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