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Battalion Command Post Procedure
Staff and Functioning in the Attack
AUTHORS NOTE: This booklet is published for -the use of students of TIS on CPX problems 196 and 474, It attempts to consolidate the duties of Bn Stf Os in an attack. With certain modifications it can be adopted to any problem in staff procedure.
DEFINITION: A command post is the Hq of the unit in the field; the place where the staff works; where contact with the Cmdr may be secured; and it is the center of the communication system
FM 7:20, chap. 2, Bn Staff Recorder Report.
FM 7:25, par 50 (1); 57-63. Command Posts.
FM 101-5, pages 112-122. Records and Reports.
FM 100-5, par. 160-192. CPs - Communications.
TB GT 1 (Rev 4/15/43) Aug of the Int. Reg.
CC TB GT-13 (Rev. 6/1/43) Use of the Message Book.
Radio Telephone procedure - Proper use of Radio, telephone.
(Table of Contents)
GO Lt. Col. Commander Com 0, 1st
Ex O-Major, Coordinator Arty
Ln 0, Capt.
S-1 Capt., Personnel Adj and CO Bn and Hq Co CO Hv Wpns Co, Capt
3-2, 1st Lt, Intelligence
CO AT Plat, 2nd Lt
S-3, Capt, Operations, Plans and training Plat Ldr
Am 1 Pion Plat, 2nd Lt
Pioneer and Gas O
S-4, 1st Lt, Supply; CO Bn TO,
1st Lt.
Sec Trans Plat of Service Co.
Surgeon, Capt.
Comds attached unit; cn Plat
Regtl AT Plat, Eng. Chem troops
1 S-Sgt Maj; 1 S Sgt, Int; 1 S Sgt, Opns; 1 Sgt Mtn; 1 S Sgt Sup*; 1 S Sgt, Com chief; 1 Sgt, Msg Cen chief; 1 Sgt, wire chief; 1 Sgt, Rad & Vis Chief; 1 1st Sgt, Co Hqa, Bn Hq Co; 1 Cpl, gas; 1 Tec 4, mech mtr; 1 Tec 4 Opr, rad; 2 Tec 5 clks; 1 Tec 5 trk driver; 1 Tec 5 Lmn, 1 Tec 5 Opr, rad; 6 Pvts, Scts Obsrs; 4 Pvts, Msgrs; 3 Pvts, Lmn; 2 Pvts, Oprs, Rad; 2 Pvts, trk drivers; 1 Pvt, Clk, rad; 1 Pvt, Bglr; 1 Pvt, Odly, 9 Pvts, Bscs.
* from Regtl Service Co.
(Beginning with issuance of Regtl Attack order)
Comdr (Lt. Col)
- Arrives at designated place to receive Regtl attack order.
- Instructs accompanying Stf Os (S-2, S-3; CO Hv Wpn CO; Bn Surg; to contact corresponding Regtl Stf Os.
- Reports to Regtl Comdr or Regt S-3 for situation and orientation.
- Receives the Regtl attack order
- Consults with Comdrs of other attacking Bns, arranges for later coordination and exchange of plans.
- Informs Stf Os present of situation, orders and tentative scheme of maneuver to Bn and relay this information to the Bn Os not present.
- Announces essential elements of information to S-2.
- Makes map study and assigns ground rcn missions to S-3 and S-2 and/or other members of his Stf.
- Issues instruction to Stf Os relative to time and place for submission of recommendations and issuance of Bn. attack order.
- Plans and leaves on personal reconnaissance.
- Contacts covering force comdr has a Staff O do so.
- Receives recommendations from Stf Os.
- Prepares and issues order to include provisions for contact with adjacent units and security measures.
- Inspects personally, and through Stf Os, the action of subordinates to insure compliance with his orders.
- Observes progress of attack.
- Coordinates the fires of organic and supporting weapons.
- Keeps reserve within supporting distance of attacking echelon.
- Directs displacement of CP and other installations.
- Commits the reserve, when the situation demands, and notifies Rgt.
- Reconstitutes the reserve at earliest opportunity.
- Directs and supervises the reorganization of his Bn.
- Prepares plans for continuation of necessary action to accomplish the missions.
- Checks states of evacuation and supply.
- Directs operations of unit usually from Bn CP OP
- Supervises operation of CP in the absence of Bn Comdr.
- Orders issuance of extra Am.
- Orders SA to release transportation to Cos.
- Directs the disposition of all elements of the Bn in conformity with the Bn Comdrs orders
- Studies the attack situation as relayed to him by a Stf O during the absence of unit Comdrs receiving Bn attack orders.
- Makes detailed study of the situation and keeps Bn Comndr informed concerning changes affecting elements of the Bn.
- Coordinates and supervises of duties.
- Examines reports, plans and orders prepared by members of the TStf.
- Remains with the rear echelon in CP displacements.
- Makes decisions in. the name of the Bn Comdr when occasion demands.
- Supervises keeping of unit situation map.
- Supervises preparation of the Unit Report.
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- Contacts Regtl S-2 for latest information of the enemy.
- Receives essential elements of information from Comndr.
- If so ordered, may guide Co Comdrs for Bn. attack order.
- May accompany Bn Comdr on reconnaissance.
- May contact covering force comdr for enemy information.
- Sees that S-2 data is posted on situation map and notifies higher, lower and adjacent units.
- Prepares analysis of enemy capabilities.
- Plans for employment of Bn Int. Sec and supervises their training.
- Publishes the aa and am warning signal.
- Supervises counterintelligence agencies.
- Briefly examines captured personnel and documents.
- Prepares par. 1 of Unit Report.
- Selects and operates the Bn OP or OPs.
- Checks camouflage and concealment.
- Assists and relieves S-3 in handling Bn operational duties.
- Procures all maps and is responsible for distribution within the Bn.
- Accompanies Bn Comdr to receive order.
- Contacts Regtl S-3 for location of friendly and supporting units.
- Sees that all friendly Information is posted on situation map,
- Advises Comdr on tactical employment of units.
- May transmit fragmentary orders from Bn Comdr to subordinate units.
- Checks the order of Bn Comdr for completeness.
- Orients subordinate comdrs preceding Bn Comdrs order.
- Makes detailed study of situation.
- Maintains liaison with higher and adjacent units.
- Insures that information from subordinate units is transmitted to higher and adjacent units.
- Supervises preparation of Operation overlays to accompany Bn Comdrs order
- Renders prescribed tactical report.
- Prepares par. 2 of Unit Report.
- Supervises Sig. communications and activities of liaison officers.
- Checks issuance of extra Am and initiates refill of empty Am vehicles.
- Makes rcn for location and establishment of Bn Am DP and route of advance for for Am; submits recommendation to Bn Comdr for some.
- Supervises execution of Bn supply plan.
- Supervises traffic control within Bn. zone.
- Keeps abreast of the tactical situation.
- Prepares tentative administrative plan based on Regtl supply plan and tactical plan Bn AmDp; route of Am advance; Bn class I & P; Bn Aid Sta.
- Commands Bn. trans when not under Regtl control assisted by Bn TO
- Prepares S-4 section of Unit Report.
Various officers from the different arms and services are assigned or attached to the Bn Hqtrs to furnish technical administrative and other date pertinent to their specialties. As assistants to the Bn Comdr or Administrative head of their own units and secondarily, an advisor to the Bn Comdr.
COM O (1st Lt) COMMUNICATIONS (operates under S-3)
- Recommends CP locations and a Sig Com after receiving initiative plan of atk when not prescribed by higher authority.
- Accompanies S-1 to the flag location of the new CP
- Establishes communications after the exact site and the internal arrangement has been determined by the S-1.
- Submits recommendations on communication matters.
- Consults with S-2 relative to OP location and establishes communication thereto.
- Haintains eoBainHiiics.tio.ii in accordance with Bn order.
- Supervises maintenance and operation of communications within the Bn.
- Prepares alternate plans of communication.
- Commands Com Plat, Bn Hq. Co.
- Advises S-4 and assists him regarding supply of Sig Com material for the Bn.,
- Prepares and secures from higher Hq such orders and Sols as may be needed to insure tactical and technical control of his Sig Com system.
- Recommands procurement of Sig Con personnel.
- Acts as personal representative of his Bn Comdr and remains under his command.
- Reports to Bn. Co at Regtl Cp
- Hears Regtl attack order.
- Accompanies Bn CO on rcn and informs him of Regtl plan of artillery support.
- Ascertains Bn scheme of maneuver and location of friendly and enemy front lines.
- Plans with Bn CO on the nature and location of artillery fires.
- Submits the Bn. fire plan (generally in person) to FA Bn Comdr.
- Receives and submits to Bn CO the Regtl fire plan.
- Relays Bn Comdrs request for artillery fire.
- Keeps Field Arty Bn Comdr informed of tactical situation of Bn
- Reports suitable additional targets to Bn Comdr.
- Acts as artillery advisor to Bn Comdr.
- Plans arty support for successive phases (reorganization, successive objectives, commitment of reserves, etc.)
- Maintains a fire control chart.
- May adjust fire on targets of opportunity.
- Accompanies Bn. Comdr to receive Regtl attack order.
- Contact Regtl surg (and Coll Co in immediate support)
- Makes rcn for establishment and maintenance of Bn Aid sta and plans for its evacuation after recommendations (thru S-4 for location.
- Issues orders for maintenance of Aid sta and details for evacuation of sick and. wounded.
- Supervises operation of Aid sta and is Bn Sanitary Inspector.
- Reconnoiters for new aid sta sites.
- Takes an active part in the treatment of the sick and wounded.
BN TO (2nd in Comd of Bn Hq Co)
- Releases transport to Cos as ordered by S-4.
- Supervises movement of vehicles in the Bn assembly area.
- Coordinates 2nd echelon maintenance of the Bn vehicles.
- Supervises, coordinates and expedites movement of vehicles between the Bn Am DP and Co areas.
- Assists Bn S-4 in execution of Bn Administrative plan.
- Assists S-4 in the supervision of the Ki and Bag trains while under Bn Control (especially during march or approach to march situations).
CO AT PLAT (2nd Lt)
- Assists Bn Comdr in planning and executing Bn. AT defense
- Initiates rcn of Bn. zone of action.
- Recommends plans for AT protection of Bn zone of action.
- Issues orders assigning cover, firing positions and fire missions to elements of his plat
- Plans for resupply of am.
- Maintains Ln with Bn Comdr, keeps abreast of situation, submits such revisions of plans as may be necessary.
- Supervise the operation, in combat, of the AT Plat.
- Supervises execution of pioneer missions on route of advance.
- Performs necessary pioneer work in assembly area.
- Reconnoiters Bn. zone of action for possible pion tasks.
- Assists in establishment of Bn Am Dp.
- Assist S-4 in operation of Bn Am Dp.
- Supervises pion work as directed by Bn Co.
- Assists in transportation and distribution of Am from the Bn Am. distributing point to the attacking unit of the rifle cos.
- May supervise the laying and cleaning of AT mine fields.
- Supervises and coordinates gas defense measures and the use of decontaminating agent.
- Supervises gas rcn or routes and areas before their use by troops.
- Establish AA defense of assembly area.
- Reports to Bn Comdr (with Rcn O and Rcn Sgt).
- assigns rcn missions to Rcn O and Rcn Sgt.
- Accompanies Bn. Comdr on Rcn.
- Receives recommendations of Rcn 0 and Ron Sgt.
- submits recommendations for employment of his Co and Bn Comdr.
- Issues orders assigning position areas and for mission to his Co
- Coordinates fires with Co Comdrs and adjacent Bns.
- Assigns agents (Insti Corps or Msgr) to attacking Cos.
- Orders Rcn O and Rcn Sgt to look for new position areas, routes thereto and new sector of fire.
- Maintains Ln with. attacking Cos.
- Plans resupply of Am.
- Orders displacement of Co Wpns as necessary.
- Keeps abreast of situation.
- Supervises the execution of missions.
- Type of tactical operation involved. (Defense or attack).
- Routes of communication and distance to subordinate units.
- Points of communication to Regt.
- Requirements of signal communication.
- Space for staff activities.
- Cover and concealment.
- Nearness to good observation to good observation.
- Obstacles to mechanized attack.
- Initial GP location and axis of signal communication using designated by higher authority. If not, each commander selects his own command post.
- Bn CO or his representative orders CP movement through S-1.
- S-1 and the Com O move to flag location and select exact site for new CP usually within a radius of 300 yds.
- Communication is immediately established (see communications) and the Bn , Co or old CP notified.
- Responsibility of Com O.
- Wire head runs thru Bn OP, continues thru general location of next CP and OP and keeps abreast of the support Plat of the attacking Co.
- Wire head party consists of 1 Sgt and 2 linemen.
- Test phone is clipped on. T-spliced wire to install communications in new CP. All these communications move by echelon to new CP.
- In a fast moving situation, only one phone and a repeating coil (for TS installation) may be used at the new CP and the switchboard "hop frogged" to the next CP location.
- The following Com facilities are available:
- Radio:
i. SGR 284 by Rag to direct Bns
ii. SCR 300 by Bns to direct Cos
iii. SCR 536 by Cos to direct Plats
- Telegraph: T5-5A or B - Bn to Regt.
- Telephones: EE8A - 5 in Bn Cp -2 in Staff; 1 in. OP. ,
1 Stf or test phone; 1-test.
- Switchboard BD-71; 6 deep switchboard simple xed for 2 tg installations
- Messengers -12 - 4 from Bn; 2 from each lettered. Co.
- Airplane. Radio visual (panels) drop and pick up map principally used from grand to air.
- Visual Signal - lamps, flags, pyrotechnics, panels by prearranged code.
- The message center is placed at the entrance to the CP.
- Staff groups operate at least 50 yds apart.
- Recommend groups: S-1 & S-4; S-2 and S-3; CO and Ex O»
- The motor park is placed, at least 250 to 300 yards away from the CP with vehicles at least 35 yds apart. It is an integral part of the CP and should be placed to the rear on a flank.
- Panel ground occupies open terrain.
- The S-2 is charged with informing all concerned, of the signal used to warn of AA and attack and with camouflage discipline.
- The S-1 is responsible for the actual close-in-defense of the CP (which includes the motor park).
- AA and AT observers (in pairs) are posted around the perimeter of the CP to insure 360° visibility and at a distance not exceeding 400 yds. They are charged, with alerting the CP by prearranged, signal (see sub par.l). One post may be sufficient likely location, panel ground for AA observer.
- All officers and men construct foxholes and near CP guide for AT observer.
- Each O and EM, necessary for the continuous operation of the OP, digs a foxhole near his position and undertakes the protection of a primary defensive area assigned to him by S-l
- On the alert, all men covered in par. 5 (above) seek protection of their foxholes.
- All other personnel report to a previously designated rallying point and constitute improvised combat units. These units are commanded by S-1 and seek to stop the attack before it reached the core of the CP. Previously prepared positions are occupied when possible.
- Foot patrols may be established to guard against infiltrating ground forces
1" - 50 yds (diagrammatic)
All personnel not engaged and not included in sketch below report to S-1 at the Rallying point and constitute the mobile reserve. Proper distribution of the Commanders, rock at M1 must be effected.
1. S Sgt Com Chief - C
2. Clk, Ng - R
3. S Sgt, Sgt. Maj. - C
4. Cpl. Gas. - R.
5. S Sgt, Opns - C
6. Odly - C
7. Sgt. Rad & Vis chief - R
7,9,10,Tec.4 (l),2 Pvts,Oprs Rad. -R.
11,12,13.-1Tec 5,2 Pvts drivers R.M.1903.
14. Mrch, Mts. R.M1903.
15. Sgt, Mtr - R.
16. Opr, Sr. - R
17., 18. Pvts, Msgrs. - C
19. Sgt. Maj .com chief - R
20. Tec .5, Opr Rad. -R
- Select a location that can be most easily defended.
- Erect trip wires, bobytraps and protective wire.
- Bring in all Bn vehicles within the perimeter of the CP
- Dismount the Ca1 50 MG and establish grazing fire on the most likely avenue of approach.
- Establish listening posts outside the perimeter and along the most likely avenue of approach to warn of impending attack.
- Have all personnel dig in (see day defense)
- Provide room for all transient. (Casuals).
- Post an interior guard of 400 (original error) men (one covering the other) who will patrol within, the CP proper, spot possible enemy action, alert the duty officer, act as gas sentries, and enforce light and camouflage discipline.
- Keep one officer on duty at all times to alert the command and terminate the alert.
- Have bayonets fixed at one time.
- Have all men on duty as guards, patrols on guards, take cover on the alert, remain on duty and resist hostile attack in place.
- Do not molulye (original error) the day reserve except on specific orders by the duty officer.
- Instruct all personnel to occupy foxholes or cover on the alert, aid fire at anything that moves.
- Superinpose any additional personnel (such as a Plat from the reserve) by posting outguatds and patrols around the CP.
- Ordered by the Bn. Co when the attack has progressed beyond the position of the next flag location.
- S-1, COM O and. communication personnel (to orderly and msgr) move forward to new location, (see communications 2), tie in the phone and operating coil for the TG and notify the Bn Co or his representative by telephone.
- All officers, (except the Ex 0, S-4 and skeletonized personnel required to operate the wire and radio sections) and all other personnel move to the new location. When the new CP has been reached and approved, by the CO or his representative) the Ex O is so notified.
- The Ex O, S-4 and all remaining personnel (except one guide) notify superior and subordinate units that the old CP is closed, the new one open, and move forwards When the switchboard is moved the trunk line to Regiment is spliced so that communication is not interrupted.
- The guide(s) remains at the old CP for a stated period to assist any personnel seeking the new CP.
- The OP operates on a 24 hr per day basis.
- Suggested shift arrangements: S-1 and S-3, day; S-2, Ex O, night.
- Success in operating the shift system depends upon careful and detailed training of NCOs and enlisted personnel.
- Team work is essential among Stf Os.
- Each O must be capable of fulfilling the duties of any other Stf O.
- Stf Os act as servants of and helpful advisors to, line officers.
- Each Stf O must be prepared to give recommendations to the commander. Casualties in combat are inevitable. The S-1 may be required to undertake the duties of both S-2 and 3-3.
- The prompt dissemination of information is vital.
- Each Stf O is charged with certain primary responsibilities. S-1,Personnel, S-2, intelligence, etc.
- Stf O should be trained three deep for replacements.
- There is no substitute for direct contact by Stf Os.
- Work thru channels. Stf O not a link in chain of and
- Prior planning to meet every condition is vital.
- MESSAGES, outgoing, written (GT-13 Use of Msg Book M2I0 (Rev .6/1/43)
- Write plainly. Print proper names (except signature and grade of writer) and code or cipher groups. It is better to print the whole message because it may have to be encoded.
- Give complete official designation of addresses and senders unless the requirements of secrecy forbid.
- Precede the month by the day, follow it by the year: Example 18 March 1944. (Year may be omitted).
- Use correct abbreviations.
- Prepare three copies.
- Retain one for your files.
- Send the original and second copy to the message center.
- Burn the carbon.
- The message center chief determines the method of transmission and retains a copy in his live file (right shirt pocket) until its receipt is acknowledged. It then goes into his dead file (left shirt pocket).
- The dead file msgs are turned over to the S-1 section at stated intervals for inclusion in the Unit Journal. As soon as serial numbers have been assigned each msg, they are filed in msg file.
- MESSAGES, out going, oral.
- Copy the message on a message blank or sheet of paper, read it over the radio or telephone and send the copy to the S-1 section for entry in the Unit Journal, Include sender, person called and means of transmission.
- MESSAGES, in coming written.
- Incoming messages go directly to the Sgt- Maj who is located in vicinity of S-1 section.
- The Sgt Maj (or his representative) receipts for the message (either or duplicate msg or delivery list) and sends the messenger back to his unit via the message center (to see if there are any messages for his outfit).
- The Sgt Maj:
i. Indicates the time the message was received and initials it.
ii. Secures a serial number from the Journal clerk, places it on the message and identifies it by a circle.
iii. Determines the priority of receipt by Stf Os. (May be amended by any staff officer)
iv. Fills out and clips a circulation list to msg if more than 1 stf O is concerned.
v. Circulates the message to include its return to the S-1 section, and the Journal clerk.
- The Journal clerk.
i. Gives the Sgt Maj a serial number for each message and enters a corresponding serial number in his journey.
ii. Fills in the time received and the action taken by the Sgt Maj (priority given) for each msg as it is received.
iii. Completes the entries when the message returns from circulation.
- MESSAGES, incoming oral.
- Recipient copies the message in full on Circulation Lid or other convenient forms.
- Sends it to the S-1 (Sgt. Maj) section where it is treated as an incoming written message.
- Definition: The circulation list filled in by the Sgt. Maj. Is a convenient form used to facilitate the proper routing of messages within the CP to appropriate Stf Os.
- Sample message and circulation list follows:
Return to S-1 Section for entry in Unit Journal.
- To S-4 first, then to S-3 and to S-2.
- Plotted on situation map.
- Information sent to troops.
3. Use of back of message as circulation list.
- Work sheets.
- Definition - a grouping of recording information under an appropriate index corresponding to the requirements of the Unit Report.
- Use - used by each Stf O to record information that cannot be placed on the situation map, enabling the officer to furnish data for the Unit Report and to aid his successor.
- Characteristics
- Examples of model work sheets, divided into section, follow:
Strength of Command - Replacements needed - Morale
Casualties - sick and wounded - captured, missing, killed. Prisoners captured.
Maps - aerial photos
Units in contact - Ops
Camouflage - concealment.
Enemy reserves.
Enemy activity
Strength materials; means and knowledge.
Front line - most advanced units.
Location - troops, CPs, boundaries.
Adjacent and supporting units.
Combat efficiency.
Result of operation.
Location of Supply & Evacuation Establishment.
Status of Supply (Amm; gas and oil; food; water).
Condition of roads and circulation in area.
a. Not a report of record.
b. Subdivided into sections.
c. Each section covers one subject needed for the Unit Report.
d. Items no longer required are crossed out.
e. Destroy when outdated.
- Definition - The Unit Journal is a chronological record of event affecting the unit (actually a Bn diary).
- Use-used (with the Journal File) as a permanent record of events and operation of the Unit and is annexed, to reports after action against the enemy.
- Characteristics:
a. It records all matters of importance with each entry being given a serial number chronologically.
b. It is generally kept from midnight to midnight.
c. All messages and orders are usually entered.
d. Original entries should not be altered but supplements when necessary by later entries.
e. Sufficient information must be included to cover important events. A brief synopsis of a msg is sufficient.
f. Oral msgs or orders are entered in full.
g. Stf Os indicate what incidents are of sufficient importance to enter in the Journal, i.e., visits by superior comds; departure and return of Stf Os from the CP, issuance of orders, etc.
h. The Journal is kept by the Journal clerk under the supervision of the S-1. - Sample message and Unit Journal follows
*ltems recorded, when message was originally received.
Time dated, final action taken by staff officers, and incidents
column filled in when message completes circulation.
- Each entry bears a serial number.
- Draw line under each entry.
- Enter in the incidents column synopsis of the message.
- Use abbreviations in the action taken column (s) to indicate standard circulation within the staff group(M) plotted, on situation map (T) distribution to troops.
- File each message or written document in chronological order to constitute, the journal File.
- Definition - The situation map is a graphic record of the tactical and administrative situation of the unit at anytime.
- Use - used to readily inform interested officers of the situation as it exists.
- Characteristics:
- Only one situation map is kept in Bns.
- Kept by interested Stf Os under the supervision of the Ex O. Actual floating done by the S Sgt Opns.
- Stf Os are responsible that information pertinent to their section is posted, on the map, i.e.,S-2, enemy positions, identification; S-3, friendly information; S-4, administrative details.
- Enemy information is posted in red; friendly in blue.
- Information should not be erased since the map becomes part of the historical record of the unit.
- Place the date and the hour it opened in the upper right hand corner or some other convenient location.
- Close the map at the end of a particular operation and indicate that date and hour.
- Indicate in the margin a check list of the units receiving order.
- Answer the questions., who, what, when, where.
- Definition. - Situation overlays are overlay taken from the situation map to portray the situation as it exists at the moment and hoar called for.
- Use - used to simplify situation report and to accompany the Unit Report.
- Characteristics
- Depicts the situation and location of friendly and enemy troops, and administrative installations at a particular time.
- Constitutes part of the historical record.
- Indicate map from which taken.
- Show direction scale and registration (coordinates) marks.
- Answer the questions: who, what, when and where.
- Authenticate with full name, i.e. John Jones, Capt.,S-3,
- Definition - On operation map is a graphic presentation of all parts of a field order (Ref. 101-5, par 3, appendix III.)
- Use-used to simplify issuance of a Field Order as an annex or may be issued. in lien of a field order.
- Characteristics - Include in addition to the plan of operations, applicable material in sub paragraphs e to f above.
- Definition - a unit report is a summary of the operations of a unit over a specific period of time to include tactical and administrative data.
- Used to acquaint the unit higher comdr with the situation of the unit as it exists at the time of the report and assists that commander to intelligently plan a continuation of operations.
- Characteristics -
- Submitted on a regular schedule such as every 24 hours or -when called for by higher authority.
- Describes operations covered by the period of the report and their results.
- Contains conclusions of enemy plans.
- Includes combat efficiency of our command.
- Prepared, under the supervision of the Ex O.
- Contents:
Par. 1. Enemy information prepared by S-2.
Par. 2. Friendly information prepared by S-3.
Par. 3. Administrative mattered prepared by S-f and S-4.
Par. 4. Generally reserved for the Comdr or his Ex O for general remarks, i.e.,"Entire
campaign concluded without adequate medical supplies"
4. Outline of a Unit Report follows
No. | |
From: (Date and hour) | Unit |
To: (Date and hour) | Place Date |
MAPS: (Those needed to understand the report)
1. Enemy (a) units in contact (b) Enemy reserves that can affect our situation (c) enemy activity during the period (d) enemy strength, material means, morale and knowledge of our situation (e) Conclusions (what can the enemy do to affect our mission).
2. Our situation (a) front lines (b) location of troops, CPs, boundaries, adjacent troops, supporting units (c) description of operating during the period covered (d) combat efficiency of the command (e) results of operations.
3. Administrative (a) strength and replacements needed (b) casualties classified (c) prisoners captured (d) evacuation (if not normal) (e) location of supply and evacuation establishment (f) statusof supplies (g) coordination of roads and circulation.
4. General (See "Unit Report" sub paragraph 11. * The Unit Journal, File and the Unit Report should be submitted to higher hq within 24 hours (maximum 48 hrs). These records and reports find their way to the AG in Washington, D.C., and constitute the historical record of the unit.
1. Submitted
by S-1, S-2, S-3, and S-4 as ordered by the commander.
2. Must
be supported by such maps and annexes as are necessary to make a complete record
of the existing situation.
3. Units
smaller than a Division usually substitute these periodity reports by the Unit
4. See
FM 101-5, pages 112 thru 119 for full details.
S-1 Strength returns and replacement requisition.
1. Strength
returns and replacement sequisitions are submitted, as directed by higher commanders.
2. Battalion
strength returns are submitted in paragraphs of the Unit Report.
3. Replacements
are echeloned in depth.
4. Primary
sources of replacements are replacement centers in the zone of the interior.
5. Requisitions
show number and kind of specialists required.
6. Requests
are contained on the first requisition submitted following the absence of the
7. The
strength situation will be as of midnight preceding date of replacement requisition.
Officers, Army Nurses and Warrant Officers
Grade | Arm | Race | Qualification | Number Authorized | Number Present | Number Required |
Enlisted Men
Specification Serial No.
Arm in Service
Military Occupational Trade
Number Authorized
Number Present
Number Required
* Strike out word not applicable
S-2 - Intelligence Plan (A continuing process)
1. A plan
for using the various intelligence agencies to secure information concerning
the intentions of the enemy before and during the action.
2. Intelligence
agencies available are (1) individual officers and soldiers (2) front line units
(3) OPs (4) Bn intelligence personnel (I Sgt, 6 scout: observers) (5) adjacent
units (6) supporting units (7) higher units, to include use of the I & R
Platoon and Division Aviation.
3. Not
a form to record information.
4. A sample
Intelligence Plan follows:
1. S-4
maintains a continuing plan for supply throughout the action.
2. Extra
Am for the rifleman is issued prior to the attack and (if necessary) behind
a mask. Normally the extra am issued will be sufficient for the day and resupply
will be affected by night. Empty trucks revert to Regtl contact. Hand carry
of ammunition done normally by Am and Pion Plat.
3. Crew
served weapons are continuously supplied by their weapon carriers.
4. Feeding
is done at night.
5. As
the attack progresses, S-4 selects tentative Am DPs along the route of advance.
6. These
points are indicated on the map or in the work sheet.
7. When
the attack stabilizes the S-4 indicates the last point selected as the Bn Am
Dp and normally the Bn. release point for Kis trucks.
8. Duties
prior to the attack includes:
a. Immediate release of Bn Am. Tn and Co transport.
b. Issuance of extra Am.
9. The tentative supply flow includes:
a. Selection of Bn. Am. Dp and a release point for Ki and Bag trucks (see 7 above)
b. Selection of Bn route of advance for Am.
c. Selection of Class III Supply Dp (gas and oil) usually at Bn Am Dp.
d. Selection of Bn Aid Sta.
e. Selection of Bn Kitchen Bivouac (if one is used).
f. Selection of a light line (beyond which lights on vehicles prohibited)
1. Regimental
prior planning;
a. Regimental CO and CO FA Bn confer on:
1) Plan of attack, including probable difficulties, priority to armored targets, preparations, scheduled fires, location of reserves and CPs.
2) Priority of fires.
3) Long range fires and fires outside the zone.
4) Fires to protect reorganizations.
5) Signals to be used.
2. Battalion procedure.
a. PA Liaison officer accompanies Bn. CO on reconnaissance, and
1) Advises BN CO on employment of artillery.
2) Prepared, with Bn CO, the fire plan to support the Bn.
3) Draws up overlay, if one is made.
4) Sends or takes plan to FAFire Direction Center.
5) FA Bn S-3 consolidates the Fire Plans of the attacking Bns into the regimental fire plan and has it approved by Regtl CO.
6) Sends one copy to each interested Bn; one to Fire Direction Center, one to each Battery forward observer; one to each Battery commander.
7) Bn CO requests fire thru. FA Liaison officer, who forwards the request directly to his owm Fire Direction Center over his own communication het.
8) Plots on his overlay all concentrations fired on targets of opportunity in the Bn Area. Obtains and enters their proper numbers.
9) May adjust fire on targets of opportunity.
10) A sample Bn Fire Control overlay follows:
CO 5th FA Bn
1. Possible targets indirected 101-106 all fired on call.2. Emergency life of fire -green star cluster fired initially from rear of crest of Hill 28
3. Final disposition of our troops later.
4. Plan of attack:
Co. A -attacking in direction of Nos 102-103.
Co. B -attacking in direction of Nos. 101 & 106.
Co. C -in reserve at (27.2-19.6)
Hvy MG firing initially on Nos 102 and 103.
81 mm mortars prepared to fire initially on Nos. 102 & 103 prepared to life
of Nos 104 & 106 on order.
Cannon section, from position near
LD initially prepared fire on Nos
101-102-103 on order; on capture of
Nos. 102 & 103 to displace forward.
Reg. AT Plat, from near CP, protect against
anti mechanized attack
from S & E
Bn AT PL from positions near
LD to protect against anti
mechanized attack from N & W
TIME George R. Morris, Capt., FA Ln No. I
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