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Fall In
What you are Defending| Foreword | The Service Fraternity | What You Can Expect | Morale | Training | Records of Great Value | Conclusions | Pay and Allowances | Army Terms and Definitions for Recruits | Questions Commonly Asked by Army Recruits | Navy Terms and Definitions for Recruits | Questions Commonly Asked by Navy Recruits | Aviation Terms and Definitions for Recruits | Miscellaneous Information
The squad is the basic formation in the army. "Fall in" the command for each soldier to become a part of the squad formation, will be one of the most frequently heard commands which you as an enlisted man will hear during your service.
Salary schedules, requirements for enlistment, regulations and other information
presented in this pamphlet were effective as of December 15, 1941.
Life . . . Liberty . . . Pursuit of Happiness
Right to Hold Property
Brotherhood of Free Peoples . . . Equality of Man
The Constitution, Including the Bill of Rights
The American Way of Life
"Ye Shall Know the Truth and the Truth Shall Make You Free"
1. Freedom of Speech and Expression
2. Freedom for everyone to Worship according to his own faith
3. Freedom from Want-Poverty is a crime today
4. Freedom from Fear-"Sic Semper Tyrannis"
The Atlantic Charter of 8 Roosevelt-Churchill War Aims, August '41
1. No aggrandizement to victors-territorial or other
2. No territorial changes except in accord with freely expressed wishes of people
3. Maintain rights of all peoples to choose their form of government
4. Give access to all nations for essential raw materials and world trade for
their economic prosperity
5. Collaboration of nations toward higher labor standards and social security
6. Destroy totalitarian tyranny . . . Establish peace, national security, and
freedom from want and fear
7. Genuine Freedom of the Seas
8. Effective outlawry of war and of armed force menace; eventual reduction of
armament burden
Preamble to U. S. Constitution
We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more
perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic- tranquillity, PROVIDE FOR
general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity,
do ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America.
THIS BOOKLET could properly be titled, "Letters from a soldier father to his soldier son." It is a welcome to comradeship from the members of The American Legion to those young men who are just now entering upon the greatest experience of their lives. They have become Service Men in the Armed Forces of the United States.
Members of The American Legion, without exception, wore the uniform of the United States with outstanding honor during the Great War, now sometimes termed World War I. They were honorably discharged after the emergency but they have never ceased to serve their country. They have displayed great interest in the problems of their country; they have manifested that interest at all times by serving in peace as they served in war.
National Defense and National Preparedness have been their watchwords continuously since the inception of The American Legion, and had the Congress of the United States been able to see the future as The American Legion saw it, the United States would have been, at the beginning of World War II, so well prepared that it is doubtful if there would have been a World War II.
During all this time The American Legion has never lost its interest in the armed forces of our country. The Army, the Navy, the Marine Corps, the air forces of those organizations, and the Nurses Corps (for many World War Nurses are active members of the Legion), have received the paternal interest of The American Legion and its members.
But now we are at war. Our Nation has been attacked and what was not accomplished toward the building of an adequate national defense is water over the dam. We are starting NOW to Build-to Build for the preservation of Freedom and the Homes we love.
Therefore, at a time when those forces are being expanded, trained and made ready to defend our beloved country, at any cost necessary. The American Legion greets those men and women who are now defending the same things for which we fought and for which we offered all that we were and all that we hoped to be.
We want to be the Big Brothers, the Pals and the close friends of those young defenders. We want to serve as advisers when they seek advice; it is our desire to attempt to make their road Just a little smoother, their great task a little easier, and above all to make the success of their accomplishment secure.
For these reasons we offer you this information culled from our own memorable experiences of 23 years ago.
National Commander
First of all:
The password of our fraternity is-"I can and will."
The sign-"A salute to the Flag of the United States."
The oath-"The Service Man's oath of allegiance to the flag and country."
The token-"A will to serve."
"When the going's tough and the road is rough
Just grin and sing and take it.
It will take all you've got and that's a lot
For the service is just what you make it."
Yes, the service will be just what you make it. There will be lots of fun mixed in with the hardest work you have ever done. You will soon forget the work and the hardships but you will never forget the fun.
You are, or soon will be, a fraternity brother in the oldest fraternity on earth. A fraternity of men who have served their country. There is no closer brotherhood on earth, there never has been. This fraternity dates back prior to Babylon, prior to Egypt, yes, to the dawn of history.
No one can explain, no one can define the comradeship that exists among men who have served; it is an active living brotherhood. Money cannot buy membership, preference finds no place on its rolls. It's the service that counts. It's service that pays your initiation and secures your membership. No one can take it away, nothing can take its place.
It explains why thousands of Legionnaires leave their business and employment to travel miles to assist a disabled comrade, why they cheerfully give up their Sundays and holidays to serve their comrades. You will now understand why Legion post service officers make personal sacrifice to obtain some bit of evidence that will assist in establishing a claim for some comrade who is in need.
It will disclose why thousands' of Legion Child Welfare workers are glad to sacrifice and to labor so that no child of a World War veteran shall suffer need and want; why Legion doctors, Legion attorneys, and Legion Nurses devote their time, training and knowledge to the end that comrades who need their services but who cannot afford to pay may have those services. It is the fraternity and the comradeship of the service. Those who have not served cannot understand it; those who have not worn the uniform usually have little, if any, of the impulse. But you will understand and you will readily have that impulse since you are now to experience a new kind of service-you are in the fraternity of service. You are going to give of yourself in such great measure that the giving will bring a new birth to your soul, a new life to your body and a new vision to your eye.
We of The American Legion value our membership in this great fraternity above all else except love of God and Country. We have had time since 1919 to know and feel its value. We want you to know and feel it.
Your service is your initiation into the fraternity of all service men. That initiation may be a bit tough in places but it brings to the surface all the fine characters of men; it also shows up the other side in some. It brings everything to the surface. There is nothing hidden during that initiation. We can visualize your experiences. We went through it and therefore we hope that we can make things better for you by giving you a brief outline of what may be ahead for you.
First, you are an individual worthy to defend liberty and freedom. You have chosen to preserve that for which many have died to obtain and to defend. You are to wear the uniform and the insignia of the grandest organization on earth.
Second, you are now a comrade of every man and woman who has served, or is serving under the Flag of the United States; of Washington, Jackson, Grant, Lee, Custer, Shafter, Roosevelt, Funston, Pershing, and all the rest. After your service is completed you will find no rank or preference among your comrades.
Third, you are going to have a lot of new experiences, many of which will seem very hard and burdensome as you pass through them but which will appear some time later as interesting and amusing experiences.
Fourth, you are entering upon a new life and it will be somewhat difficult to make adjustments. The Service has its regulations and traditions. They are sacred to the Service so do not try to change them. They are older than you and each regulation exists for some good reason. Their worth has been proven by experience - and hard experience at that. So accept them as they are and conform yourself to them.
"The Service is just what you make it" so perhaps a few "don'ts" will save you some trouble.
Do not criticize your officers because you think they know less about military and naval affairs than you do. Remember they have spent hours, days and months, perhaps years, in study before you came into service. Let the General Staff do the worrying, it's not your job.
Do not set yourself up as a loud-mouthed authority on any one subject. You may know all about it but the other fellow does not like to be told that such is the case.
Do not try to be tough and want to show it. There's always someone who is just a little tougher and its embarrassing when you run into him.
Do not repeat rumors you may hear. Many of those rumors are started just for the benefit of those who are willing to repeat them. Much damage is done by repeating rumors. If you do not know something is true do not repeat it. The tales that start out with "They said" are generally pure gossip. No one has ever found out who "They" are anyway.
Do not invent stories about yourself, your family, your sweetheart or the army. Your comrades will appreciate good stories but not the kind that are created to gather sympathy or to aggrandize yourself.
Do not, when you are invited to a civilian home for an entertainment or a meal, tell of the hardships or privations you think you are suffering. They may appear to be interested but they only seem so to be polite. Your looks belie your statements and they know differently. After all they are the taxpayers who are paying the defense bill and they do not appreciate being criticized indirectly. Tell them the funny things-it will make the food taste better.
Do not threaten or actually "go over the hill" or "jump ship." A desertion charge will stick to you for the rest of your life. It will deprive you of privileges and benefits until death and then transfer itself to your dependents and loved ones. It will appear in all cases of compensation and pension claims, in proving citizenship and in so many other ways. It may even deprive you of your liberty.
Things are never as hard as they seem. Grin and take it in your stride. Talk it over with the Chaplain but don't "go over the hill." That is perhaps the most important "don't" of them all. However there's another that is a close second.
Do not allow yourself to become involved with the other sex in such way as to impair your health and future. A "G.O. 45" (ask your officers about it), like a desertion charge, will stick to you for life. "Willful misconduct" is a serious charge in the service and on a service record. It will show up at times that will be embarrassing and it will be very expensive. A few thoughtless moments may wreck an entire life.
Do not borrow, appropriate, or take government property such as automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, pistols, rifles, clothing, blankets, etc., unless ordered to do so. Regulations are very strict and what may seem to be "just laying around" is not to be taken. Government prisons contain many men who "just borrowed" government property.
Do not be a borrower, or a "gimmie" among your comrades. If you do not have the money to pay for things do without them. The man who continually repeats "gimme a cigarette," "loan me your brush," "lemme have a dollar till pay day"'is always unpopular. The other fellow needs his own possessions, too.
Do not bring criticism or disgrace upon the uniform you wear. To be arrested by civilian authorities, to be intoxicated, to be in tough or improper places such as "dives," "juke joints," cheap dance halls, houses of ill fame, or even in the close proximity of such places, will bring criticism and harm to the entire service. In uniform, you are the personal representative of the service to which you belong. Treasure that trust.
Do not act, imply or pretend to be better than any of your comrades. The very man you criticize or scorn may be the one who later saves your life.
But there are "do's" which are as important as the "don'ts."
Now let us look at some of the "do's."
Do obey the orders of your officers, whether it be Admiral, General, Corporal, or a Private in command. There is nothing personal about orders. Remember as long as you obey orders the responsible rests on those who give the orders. If you disobey, the aftermath becomes your responsibility.
Do value the traditions of your outfit. If your ship, company, regiment, division or squadron has distinguished itself in some past engagement, battle, or war, it is your duty to keep that spirit alive. Remember there are those who have died to create that tradition.
Do be careful regarding the "click" or "gang" with whom you associate. Remember the old adages about "Poor Dog Tray" or the "rotten apple." You will be classified by the company you keep.
Do salute your officers as if you really meant it. The salute is not an act of servility, it is a courteous salutation exchanged by members of the armed forces of our country. The officer returns your salute in that same spirit. The service man is the only person entitled to use it from a military standpoint. It is an honor to give the salute, an honor to return it.
Do keep your uniform and equipment clean and in good order. A carelessly dressed soldier or sailor is a poor representative of the service. There are no exceptions to that rule. A dirty rifle may not fire when it is most needed; a pack, poorly packed, is harder to carry than one carefully packed. If you are to be a soldier be a good one.
Do write home as often as you can. Those at home are interested in everything you do. They are not interested in made-up stories of supposed hardships. Make your letters truthful and they will be interesting.
Do read your Bible, prayer book or other volume of your church. Attend church services in camp and in nearby communities. You may find, as others of us found, that there are times when no other thing is as important as your faith in the Deity. Know how to call upon Him when you need Him.
You are to hear a lot about morale in the service. It is that thing that makes an Army, a Navy, a Marine Corps and an Air Force. Lacking morale, any branch of service is impotent.
Morale and discipline are synonymous. Morale is zest for the job which must be done.
Morale is the basic responsibility of every commander from Corporal to General. It, like mercy, is not strained. Morale is controlled by the individual action of every person in the service. It is the result of true patriotism and is based upon the traditions of the service. You cannot fake it-you must feel it.
Morale is carrying our Navy, Marines, Air Force and Army in today's battles. Morale will win the present war. It has ever been in and with the Army and Navy of the United States.
A chain is no stronger than its individual link; an army is no braver than its individual soldiers; a battleship is no better than its sailors; an air armada is no stronger than the skill and bravery of the individual aviator.
Is it any wonder that we of The American Legion who have been through "it," feel so strongly about morale? We want to impress it upon you.
And now let's discuss your training. It is to be your immediate and most important task in the months to come.
Officers are at times going to seem plenty "tough." The tougher they are (and they are fair) the better it will be for you.
Officers who are "nice" are not necessarily your friends, only the officer who teaches and demands that you learn, is giving you the opportunity of preparing to save your own life.
The long hike, the night in the rain, the tired and aching muscles are all a part of the training. How fortunate you are to have that training! Too well do some of us remember youths in 1918 who had to be taught to load and fire their rifle, and to fix a bayonet, the night before they "went over the top." Others had the sad duty to bury some of them after the engagement was over.
When you shirk an exercise, when you neglect a maneuver, when you pay little heed to an explanation, you are endangering your own life and, even worse, the lives of every man in your outfit.
You have the opportunity of receiving real training - better than we had - and we are glad that you are getting it while there is yet time. For your own good such training will be intensive with all coddling eliminated and with that stern discipline that makes a hard soldier and a never-die sailor.
Again discipline and morale are synonymous.
Keep records of happenings, accidents, sickness and all other things which may be of inestimable importance in later life. Send these records home and ask your relatives to preserve them carefully.
The American Legion Rehabilitation Service Officers know that if men, during World War I, had kept or sent certain records home, and if they had them today, numerous just claims for compensation could immediately be settled. Due to a lack of records, many claims for compensation of the World War are impossible to adjudicate for the benefit of the veteran or his dependents. The chances are that this will be at least partially true after this war.
Hospital records have at times been known to be incorrect. Doctors cannot be located and they die, as do comrades who were witnesses. At the time of the happening, causing disability, is the time to collect information and to preserve it for future use.
The Army and Navy discourage the keeping of personal diaries in time of war. Such records often fall into enemy hands and thus divulge military or naval information. When information is collected it should be sent home or to some individual who will keep it secure.
To each man who enters the service it is suggested that he know and put on record:
- The name and house address of the following persons:
- His Company or Naval Commander.
- His 1st Sergeant or Petty Officer
- The man who stands on his right in ranks,
- The man who stands on his left in ranks.
- The man who sleeps on his right.
- The man who sleeps on his left.
- The men with whom he has close personal contact off duty.
- In case of accident or sickness:
- Those who gave him temporary aid and attention.
- Those who took care of him immediately after.
- In case of sickness which necessitates hospitalization:
- The doctor or doctors who are on the case.
- The nurse or nurses who served him.
- The man in the hospital bed on his right.
- The man in the hospital bed on his left.
- The date and place of his inoculation against:
- Typhoid
- Smallpox
- Tetanus
- What effect each had upon him.
- In case of court martial or summary court:
- Charge upon which action was based.
- Findings of the court and penalty, if any.
You must not, at any time, hesitate to report at sick call if there is any legitimate reason for you to do so. See that a proper record is made on your case at that time.
Be very careful to report to the hospital physician any accidental or other injuries, especially if you have a spine, skull or abdomen injury. Report immediately even the slightest suspicion of a venereal disease. Do not be ashamed to do so; speak out and save yourself years of trouble. Obey regulations regarding social diseases and the prevention of same.
Be sure your own records are correct and that they are preserved. Above all things, at the time of your discharge be sure to tell the truth as far as you know it regarding your physical condition. Don't be in such a hurry to get out of the service that some statement you make will later react against you. It is presumed that you told the entire truth when you entered service. At time of discharge insist that you be given a complete physical examination. You should relate to the examining physician all illnesses or injuries suffered during your time of service and ask for special examination of any resultant injuries or condition. Be positive that proper notations are made on your discharge medical report.
You have left your home to serve your country.
Serve to the credit of yourself, your family, your state and your country.
You are now a comrade in the fraternity of American Servicemen.
The American Legion, a million and a quarter strong, and its American Legion
Auxiliary of seven hundred and "fifty thousand women, desire to serve you
and to be your
We will pick you up on the road and give you rides in our autos.
We will feed you in our homes.
We will see that where possible you get the home town paper while you are away.
We will help you in your claims and in your connections with the U. S. Veterans'
Our American Legion clubhouses and memorial homes are open for your use.
Our Legion Posts and Auxiliary Units are in every city and town throughout
the vast expanse of the nation, including possessions. We are in those towns
and cities "on duty,"
in Air Craft Warning and Air Raid Warden Services, keeping up morale at home,
and we are making an "All Out" effort to serve you. Our greatest desire
is to be with you but years take their toll, and make that impossible for some
of us.
There's a Legion Post in the community close to your camp or training field. Every coastline city has one or more Legion Posts. Drop in, get acquainted and make any need known. The Legion Post in your home town will always be glad to look after things at home for you if you will but ask.
If you wish advice not obtainable through military channels feel welcome to call upon the members or the Service officer at the nearest Legion Post, ask anyone wearing a Legion button or if you desire write direct to National Headquarters of The American Legion, 777 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, Indiana.
We are comrades now.
(December, 1941, subject of later revision by the government)
When you first enter the military service your rate of pay will be $21.00
a month. This pay is in addition to the food, clothing, medical and dental attention
which the government provides you without charge. Here are some of the monthly
rates of pay for enlisted men:
(To the following rates of pay, add $10 per month for service beyond 1 year)*
Per Month | |
Private (less than 4 months' service) | $21 |
Private (over 4 months' service) | 30 |
Private, First Class | 36 |
Corporal | 54 |
Sergeant | 60 |
Staff Sergeant | 72 |
Technical and First Sergeant | 84 |
Master Sergeant | 126 |
*(Act of August 18, 1941, authorizes $10.00 per month additional after one year's service in any grade.)
The War Department has created three new grades for enlisted men. These new grades are Technician 3rd Grade, Technician 4th Grade, and Technician 5th Grade.
The old rating of "Specialist" has been dropped.
Technicians will rank in order of the dates of their warrants below non-commissioned officers of the same pay; i.e., technicians 3rd grade will rank below staff sergeant. 4th grade below sergeant and above corporal, 5th grade below corporal and above 1st class private.
Under this plan there will be but seven pay scales for enlisted men which are as given above.
This system will take effect prior to July 1st, 1942.
Travel Concessions
All men in the uniform of the armed services are entitled to special railroad and bus fares when on leave or furlough. Female nurses of the armed forces are entitled to the same even though not in uniform.
Air Corps:
If you are in the Air Corps, during such time as you are authorized to take
part regularly and frequently in aerial nights, you will receive additional
pay of 50 percent of the pay of your grade. If you are a private, private 1st
class, corporal, or sergeant and are rated as an air mechanic 1st class, you
will receive the pay of the second grade; or if you are rated as an air mechanic
2nd class, you will receive the pay of the third grade during the time you hold
your rating. (Air Mechanics first class receive the pay of a technical sergeant,
$84.00 to $103.00. Air Mechanics second class receive the pay of a staff sergeant,
$72.00 to $90.00.)
Army Aviation Cadets:
Army Aviation Cadets receive $75.00 per month and $1,00 per day subsistence
allowance, and when commissioned, receive a uniform allowance of $150.00.
Per Month | |
Apprentice Seaman, 3rd class |
$30 |
Seaman, 2nd class |
36 |
Seaman, 1st class |
54 |
Petty Officer, 3rd class |
60 |
Petty Officer, 2nd class |
72 |
Petty Officer, 1st class |
84 |
Petty Officer, grade 1A-acting appointment including all branches |
99 |
Chief Petty Officer, permanent appointment |
126 |
The foregoing rates of pay constitute base pay; that is, they do not include allowances or additions. A man upon first enlistment in the Navy receives a clothing outfit free. Enlisted men in the Navy receive rations free.
In each of the above Petty Officer classes, the Aviation branch, including machinists, photographers, etc., receive pay common to each class.
Naval Aviation Cadets:
First month, $50; second through eighth month, $75; Commissioned Naval Aviation
Cadets, $245.
Marines: Salary: (Same as regular Navy enlisted men).
For certain decorations or awards including distinguished service, marksmanship,
etc., service men receive an additional amount of money each month.
. "ATTENTION"-the position of the servicemen,
whether he be soldier, sailor or marine. It typifies
your readiness for immediate duty and to receive
the necessary commands to follow.
AWOL. Absent without leave.
Aide, or Aide-de-camp. A personal assistant to a general officer.
Base. The element on which a movement is regulated.
Blind. A money fine of a court-martial sentence.
Bob-tail. A dishonorable discharge.
Bucking for orderly. Extra efforts for personal appearance
when competing for post of orderly to the commanding officer.
Bust. To reduce a noncommissioned officer to grade of private.
Chow. Food.
Cits. Civilian clothing.
CO or KO. Commanding officer.
Distance. Space between elements in the direction front to rear.
Dogtags. Identification disks.
Doughboy (dough). An infantryman.
Dud. An unexploded shell.
Field, in the. Campaigning against an enemy under actual or assumed conditions.
File. A column of men one behind the other.
Foxhole. Pit dug by a soldier to protect,his body.
GI. Government issue; galvanized iron.
Guard house lawyer. A person who knows little but talks much about regulations,
military law, and soldiers' "rights."
Hash mark. A service stripe.
Hike. To march.
Hitch. An enlistment period,
I. & I. Inspected and inventoried.
Interval. Space between elements in the direction parallel to the front.
Jawbone. Credit, To buy without money. To shoot a weapon over a qualification
course when it doesn't count for record.
Kick. A dishonorable discharge.
KP. Kitchen police.
Lance jack. A temporary or acting corporal with the same duties and authority
of a regularly appointed corporal but without the pay of the grade.
Mess gear. A soldier's individual mess kit, knife, fork, spoon, and cup.
MP. Military police.
Mule skinner. A teamster.
Noncom. A noncommissioned officer.
OD. Olive drab or officer of the day.
On the carpet. Called before the commanding officer for disciplinary
Over the hill. To desert.
Pace. A step 30 inches long.
Piece. The rifle or weapon.
Pup tent. Shelter tent.
Reup or takeon. To reenlist.
Shave tail. A second lieutenant.
Skipper. The company commander.
Sniper. An expert rifle shot detailed to pick off enemy leaders or individuals
who expose themselves.
The old man. The company commander; commanding officer
Top sergeant or top kick. The first sergeant.
What is meant by the Articles of War?
A. The Articles of War are part of the military laws enacted by Congress to
control the conduct of those in military service of the United States.
Do the army camps have the conveniences of the local community?
A. Yes, there are barbers and tailors, a post exchange, movies, photograph shop,
recreational facilities, a place of worship, and
other conveniences.
What is the purpose of the military salute?
A. It is a courteous recognition between the members of the
armed forces of our country.
To whom should you give the salute?
A. All officers of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard.
Distinguish the branches of the Army by the color of the hat cord.
a. Air Corps-Ultramarine blue piped with golden orange.
b. Cavalry-Yellow.
c. Chemical Warfare Service-Cobalt blue piped with golden orange.
d. Coast Artillery Corps-Scarlet.
e. Corps of Engineers-Scarlet piped with white.
f. Field Artillery-Scarlet.
g. Finance Department-Silver-grey piped with golden yellow.
h. Infantry and tanks-Blue.
i. Medical Department-Maroon piped with white.
J. Military police-Yellow piped with green.
k. Ordnance Department-Crimson piped with yellow.
1. Quartermaster Corps-Buff.
m. Signal Corps-Orange piped with white.
What does the Service Stripe signify?
A. Three years or more of honorable service.
Does Uncle Sam furnish food and clothing without cost?
A. Yes, you are paid, fed, clothed and given medical care,
What is the Squad?
A. The Squad is a group of 8 to 12 soldiers organized as a combat team. It consists
of one squad leader and other personnel as authorized by appropriate tables
of organization.
What is a Platoon?
A. A formation of several squads.
Can I keep my civilian clothes?
A. Yes, but you will have little use for them.
How do I conduct myself around officers?
A. In a civil but not servile manner.
At what hour is "reveille"?
A. 6:00 a. m. [Subject to change.]
At what hour is "retreat"?
A. 5:00 p. m.
How long will I remain at the Induction Station?
A. Not usually longer than overnight.
What do I do at the Reception Center?
A. Get instructions in Army Regulations, military courtesies, sanitation, and
the Articles of War, You may have some practice in Infantry drill.
How long will I be at the Reception Center?
A. Usually only a few days.
Should my family write to me at Reception. Center!
A. Only in case of an emergency.
Where do I go from the Reception Center?
A. The Replacement Training Center for 13 weeks' basic training. Your family
will be notified of your arrival there.
Aye, Aye, Sir . . The reply to an officer's call to order.
Bag ...... Made of canvas and used to stow clothes.
Barracks .... Living quarters.
Battalion .... An infantry command of 2 or more companies.
Bear-a-Hand... To hurry.
Binnacle List . . A list posted on a. man-of-war giving names of those
excused from duty by the Medical Officer on account of sickness.
Canteen .... A small store where tobacco, toilet articles, etc., may
be purchased.
Colors ..... The national Flag.
Company .... Organization consisting of two or more platoons.
C. P. O. . . . . Chief Petty Officer.
Ditty Bag.... A small canvas bag used to stow small articles.
Galley ..... The ship's kitchen,
Hammock ... A swinging bed made of canvas.
Head ..... Water Closet.
Medical Officer . . Navy doctor.
Mess Hall.... Dining room.
Non-Rated Man . All enlisted men below petty officer rating.
Officer-of-the-Watch The officer on duty in charge of the watch as the
Captain's representative.
Outfit ..... Clothing and other necessities.
Pipe Down ... An order to keep quiet; an order dismissing the crew from
an evolution.
Platoon .... A division of a company consisting of 3 or more squads.
P. O. . . . . . Petty Officer.
Regiment .... Two or more battalions.
Scullery .... The place where dishes are cleaned and stowed.
Sick Bay .... The ship's hospital.
Squad ..... A group of 8 men.
Stencil..... An article used for marking clothes.
Swab ..... A mop made of rope.
Turn To . . . . An order to commence work.
From whom do I take orders?
A. All officers, petty officers, and any man responsible for duty.
Whom do I salute?
A. All officers, Army, Navy and Marine Corps.
What is the value of our clothing allowance?
A. About $104.05, varying with clothing prices.
What is the cost of our first outfit?
A. About $97.50, varying with clothing prices.
Can this difference be converted into cash?
A. No.
What is my mailing address?
A. Your name,
c/o Company -_-- (number of your company),
U. S. Naval Training Station, ;
City and State in which station is located.
How often do we get mail?
A. Available mail delivered twice daily.
Are we required to scrub our clothes all the time?
A. No. Except recruits at San Diego are required to scrub complete change of
clothing every day during period of training.
What days may we have visitors?
A. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. In Detention Unit parents only are allowed
as visitors.
Do I have to go to church?
A. Yes.
What time is reveille?
A. 5:45 a. m.
What must I do to prevent losing my effects?
A. Keep them neatly stowed and bag locked.
Can I keep my civilian clothes?
A. No.
How do I conduct myself around officers?
A. In a civil but not servile manner.
Is it possible to get on board the ship of my choice?
A. If vacancies exist on that ship.
Will I have to sleep in a hammock on board ship?
A. Yes, on most ships, but some have bunks.
How do I get into my hammock?
A. Use jackstay and neighbor's hammock for support.
Do I have a chance to shoot a service rifle?
A. Yes; You will fire the Marksman Course.
Does everyone have to mess cook or act as messman?
A. Yes, except petty officers.
Do I get anything for participating in boxing bouts?
A. No.
Must I qualify in swimming?
A. Yes.
Will I have the opportunity for study?
A. Yes.
What is meant by 8 bells?
A. It is the way time is announced in the Navy. Eight bells
are struck at noon, 4 o'clock, 8 o'clock and midnight, then 1 bell
half an hour later. Each half hour thereafter 1 stroke is added up
to 8 bells. Then start over.
Aerial. Refers to a wireless antenna in which case it is a noun.
Blind Flying. "Instrument Flying."
Aerobatics. "Air Acrobatics,"
Air Pocket. Proper term is "thermal current" (or more briefly
Airway Beacon. A light located so as to indicate an air route.
Altimeter. Indicates vertical distances above a given datum, usually
sea level.
Anemometer. Air instrument for determining wind speed.
Auxiliary Parachute. Small parachute which assists in withdrawing the
main parachute from its pack.
"Bump" Sudden movement of the aircraft due to eddy currents.
"Contact". Indicates engine switch is on.
Harness. Device for attaching parachute to user.
Knot. Unit of speed, being one nautical mile (6,080 ft.) per hour (used
only by Navy Aviation).
Radio Beam. Landing guide for low ceiling and poor visibility. Also for
guidance of planes in flight.
Navigation. The science of determining and plotting position and predicting
courses to attain a future position.
Pack. The container which encloses a parachute.
Port. Left hand side of aircraft as seen by pilot looking forward (used
only by Navy Aviation).
Rip Cord. A device which allows a parachute to be withdrawn from its
Signal Rocket. A rocket discharged from the ground to indicate the position
of a landing ground or to convey information to an aircraft.
Starboard. The right side of an aircraft or ship as seen by a
pilot looking forward (used only by Navy Aviation).
Take-off. The act of leaving the earth as performed by an aerodyne. In
the case of an airplane, this is prefaced by a short run.
Wind Cone. A light fabric cylinder suspended from a mast which indicates
the wind direction.
Zooming. Employing the energy stored by increasing forward speed to gain
Government Life insurance Policy:
Every Aviation Cadet and Aviation Student receives a $10,000.00 Government Life
Insurance Policy, the premiums of which are paid by the Government while the
cadets and students are undergoing courses of instruction and training which
require them to participate regularly and frequently in aerial flights. Thereafter,
they have the option of continuing the policies at their own expense.
Enlisted men in any branch of service may take out a policy for life insurance
on his own life. Premiums may be paid directly in monthly payments by the enlisted
men or the enlisted men may authorize their deduction from their pay each month.
If you desire information regarding allotments, deposits, or government insurance,
see your first sergeant or the corresponding officer in command in your branch
of service. He will be glad to help you.
Deductions will be made from your pay if you are found responsible for loss
or damage to Government property due to negligence, and if you are absent without
leave or absent sick, not in line of duty. You do not lose pay for sickness
or injury in line of duty or for absence in confinement; however, the time lost
by absence in confinement, by absence without leave, or by absence due to sickness
not in line of duty has to be made up at the end of your enlistment period,
if such enlistment was for a stated period.
Every service man has the opportunity of promotion.
Every man on board ship has excellent opportunities to advance along many lines
and each promotion means greater pay and more privileges. Every year 100 enlisted
men of the Navy are eligible for appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy for training
as officers. Some of the most successful officers of the Navy began as enlisted
In the Army there are seven principal enlisted grades beyond the initial one
of private to which a man may aspire. With each promotion comes an increase
in pay. Each year thousands of men from the ranks may qualify to enter an officers'
candidate school.
Formerly, most of the pilots in the Regular Army Air Corps were commissioned
officers. The new regulations, however, provide that a maximum of 20 per cent
of the men trained to become pilots each year may be enlisted men.
Opportunities to become either commissioned or noncommissioned pilots are open
to all enlisted men who can pass the necessary physical and educational tests
for training as Aviation Cadet (Officer), or as Aviation Student (NCO).
You may make an allotment of your pay for the support of your family or dependent
relatives, or for payment of premiums for commercial life insurance if such
insurance is on your own life.
Each of the various arms and services in our Army and Navy has a particular
"mark" of its own which is worn by all of its members. It serves to
distinguish those members from all other soldiers and sailors and is a part
of the uniform. These various marks are called insignia.
Discipline Means Success:
The test of the discipline of a military or naval unit is the promptness and
efficiency with -which it responds to the will of the commander. If it is to
respond effectively, every man must be trained to do his part. Discipline and
training are thus inseparably connected, but they are not the same thing-. No
matter how well trained a man may be he is not effective unless his heart and
soul as well as his body respond to the will of his commander. And so loyalty
is an essential element of discipline.
Job Security:
Your term of service is indefinite. Regardless of the length of your term of
service, civilian or peace-time life will aid you in securing re-employment.
Selective Service Boards, the Federal Re-employment Service, industry and society,
will cooperate in a common effort for returning you to employment when you come
back from serving your country.
Become well acquainted with the chaplain of your outfit. Take your personal
problems to him.
Whenever tempted to do something that would bring disgrace upon you stop and
think of the folks at home. They are proud of you. Keep them so.
Every man who has worn the uniform of the United States Army, Navy, Marine
Corps or Coast Guard wishes you every success. They pray for your safe return.
They have faith in you.
Do not underestimate your enemy. That's what Germany did to us in 1917-18.
Realize his strength, then give him all you have. You have plenty.
- "Remember Pearl Harbor"
What you are Defending| Foreword | The Service Fraternity | What You Can Expect | Morale | Training | Records of Great Value | Conclusions | Pay and Allowances | Army Terms and Definitions for Recruits | Questions Commonly Asked by Army Recruits | Navy Terms and Definitions for Recruits | Questions Commonly Asked by Navy Recruits | Aviation Terms and Definitions for Recruits | Miscellaneous Information
WW1 Living History
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