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Original Manual thanks to Pete Cash
1. Purpose.—This radiotelephone- procedure (R/T) shall be used in combined operations of the United States and British Forces. The use of matters shown in brackets, as [Hullo], is optional.
2. General Instructions.—a. Messages transmitted by radiotelephone are not necessarily written down, but operators should whenever possible make a short note of their purport. They must, therefore, be kept short and to the point. This brevity is best achieved by the use of standard phraseology. Messages which must be given by the receiving operator to another person should preferably be written down.
3. Phonetic Alphabet.—When necessary to identify any letter
of the alphabet the standard phonetic alphabet is to be used.
This alphabet is listed below:
Letter | Spoken as | Letter | Spoken as |
A | ABLE (AFIRM)* | N | NAN (NEGAT)* |
B | BAKER | 0 | OBOE (OPTION)* |
D | DOG | Q | QUEEN |
E | EASY | R | ROGER |
F | FOX | S | SUGAR |
H | HOW | U | UNCLE |
K | KING | X | XRAY |
L | LOVE | Y | YOKE |
M | MIKE | Z | ZEBRA |
*Names in parentheses shall be used when the United States Navy General Signal Book is used.
a. Encrypted groups—LUXOW will be spoken as "Love Uncle Xray Oboe William."
b. Difficult words will be both spoken and spelled. Example: "Catenary—I spell—Charlie Able Tare Easy Nan Able Roger Yoke—Catenary.''
4. Pronunciation of Numerals.—When figures are transmitted by radiotelephone the following rules for their pronunciation will be observed:
Figure | Spoken | Figure | Spoken |
0 | Zero | 5 | Fi-viv |
1 | Wun | 6 | Six |
2 | Too | 7 | Seven |
3 | Thuh-ree | 8 | Ate |
4 | Fo-wer | 9 | Niner |
5. Call Signs.—Call signs composed of letters or letters and figures must be transmitted by means of the phonetic alphabet and numeral pronunciation.
Call sign AB shall be transmitted as "Able Baker."
Call sign P3 shall be transmitted as "Peter Three."
6. Component Parts of a Message.—Every radiotelephone message is composed of three basic parts: the Call, including precedence (priority), if any; the Text (subject matter); and the Ending.
a. Form.—The call of a radiotelephone message may take one of the following forms:
Case I—full call | Examples |
[Hullo] | [Hullo] |
Call sign receiving station | Able Baker |
This is | This is |
Call sign station calling | Peter Three |
Case II—abbreviated call | Examples |
This is | This is |
Call sign station calling | Peter Three |
Case III —link call* | Examples |
[Hullo] | [Hullo] |
Link call sign | Able Baker Charlie |
*NOTE.—The link call sign procedure is a special arrangement not at present in general use. When prescribed for specific combined use further instructions will be issued.
b. Precedence (priority).*—Precedence designations are seldom used in voice (R/T) procedure, but if used will be spoken in clear as the last part of the call, for example, "PRIORITY"* or "IMPORTANT",* etc.
* Table of United States-British Precedence {Priorities).
United States | British | |
Urgent | Emergency | |
Operational Priority | Immediate | |
Priority | Important |
The text (subject matter) may consist of plain language, code words, or figures. If it is necessary to spell out a word, the phonetic alphabet will be used.
Every transmission will end with one of the following procedure words:
Word | Meaning |
a. Over | My transmission is ended and I expect a response from you. |
b. Out | This conversation is ended and no response is expected. |
Example 1
Call | [Hullo] Shoeblack this is Dano. |
Text {subject matter) | Where are tanks? |
Ending | Over. |
Example 2
Call | [Hullo] Dano this is Shoeblack. |
Text {subject matter) | Tanks are at base. |
Ending | Out. |
7. Time of Origin.—The time of origin when employed will be expressed in four digits and will be preceded by the word "Time." The four digits will, when so ordered, be followed by the zone suffix letter.
8. Procedure Phrases.—It is inadvisable to lay down precise wording for all procedure phrases likely to be required in radiotelephone work. However, the following have been adopted:
Word or Phrase | Meaning |
Roger | "I have received all of your last transmission." |
Acknowledge | Used by originator: "Let me know that you have received and understand this message." |
Wilco | "Your last message (or message indicated) received, understood, and (where applicable) will be complied with." |
How do you hear me? |
Speak slower | |
Wait | If used by itself: "I must pause for a few seconds." If the pause is to be longer than a few seconds, "Wait" "Out" should be used. If "Wait" is used to prevent another station's transmitting, it must be followed by the ending "Out." |
Say again | "Repeat"* |
I say again | "I will repeat"* |
* NOTE.—Except when written into the text of a message by the originator, the word "Repeat" or any phrase involving ''Repeat" will never be spoken in radiotelephone {HIT) communication since it has a distinct operational meaning to the British Army. When used by the Royal Artillery it means that the salvo last ordered will be fired again at the same range.
Verify | "Check coding, check text (subject matter) with the originator and send correct version." |
Message for you | "I wish to transmit a message to you." |
Send your message | "I am ready for you to transmit." |
Read back | "Repeat all of this message back to me exactly as received after I have given 'Over'." |
That is correct | "You are correct." |
Words twice | a. As a request.—"Communication is
difficult. Please send every phrase (or
every code group) twice." b. As information.—"Since communication is difficult every phrase (or every code group) in this message will be sent twice." |
Correction | "An error has been made in this transmission (or message indicated). The correct version is ------." |
Wrong | "What you have just said is incorrect. The correct version is ------." |
Groups | "The number of groups in this code or cipher message is------." |
Break | "I hereby indicate the separation of the text from other portions of the message." To be used only when there is no clear distinction between the. text and other portions of the message. |
9. Transmitting and Answering.—The following general rules govern the transmission of radiotelephone (R/T) messages when two-way working is employed:
a. When both stations are in good communication, all parts of the transmission are made once through.
Station AB wishes to transmit a message to station P3:
AB | transmits (makes): |
[Hullo] Peter Three—This is—Able Baker—Message for you—Over. | |
P3 | transmits (makes): , |
[Hullo] Able Baker—This is—Peter Three—Send your message—Over. | |
AB | transmits (makes): |
[Hullo] Peter Three—This is—Able Baker- Convoy has arrived.—Time 1630—Over. | |
P3 | transmits (makes): |
[Hullo] Able Baker—This is—Peter Three- Roger—Out. |
b. If an operator transmits a message without waiting for an answer to the preliminary call, the call sign(s) of the receiving station (s) will be transmitted (made) twice, and may be repeated also at the end of the message.
AB | transmits {makes): |
[Hullo] Peter Three—[Hullo] Peter Three—This is— Able Baker—Convoy has arrived—etc. |
c. When communication is difficult, phrases, words, or groups may be transmitted (made) twice by use of the procedure phrase "words twice."
AB | transmits {makes): |
[Hullo] Peter Three—This is—Able Baker—Message for you—Over. | |
P3 | transmits {makes): |
[Hullo] Able Baker—This is—Peter Three- words twice—Send your message—Over. | |
AB | transmits {makes): |
[Hullo] Peter Three—This is—Able Baker—words twice—Convoy has arrived—Convoy has arrived— Time 1630—Time 1630—Over. |
d. (1) If the message is to be repeated back the procedure phrase "Read back" will be used.
AB | transmits {makes): |
[Hullo] Peter Three— This is—Able Baker— Message for you—Over. | |
P3 | transmits (makes): |
[Hullo] Able Baker—This is—Peter Three—Send your message—Over. | |
AB | transmits (makes): |
[Hullo] Peter Three—This is—Able Baker—Read back—Convoy has arrived—Time 1630—Over. | |
P3 | transmits {makes): |
[Hullo] Able Baker—This is—Peter Three—Convoy has arrived—Time 1630—Over. | |
AB | transmits (makes): |
[Hullo] Peter Three—This is—Able Baker—That is correct—Out. |
(2) Particular instructions for certain occasions (such as fighter direction) may direct that a certain message, or portions thereof, automatically will be repeated back by the receiving station without using the procedure phrase "read back."
e. W^hen no confusion will result, a shortened form of calling may be used. When only two stations are in a net, it will often be possible to omit all calls and most of the normal procedure.
Call sign of calling station omitted: | "Able Baker—Convoy has arrived—Over." |
Call sign of called station omitted: | "This is Peter Three—Where are Tanks—Over." |
In the interest of speed, special provision may be made by responsible commanders for special use of abbreviations of call signs, as for aircraft and tanks.
10. Code and Cipher Messages.—In code or cipher messages the number of groups if sent. will be preceded by the word"groups," immediately before the text (subject matter). Code words may be transmitted as plain language words; encoded or enciphered groups will be spelled phonetically.
11. Repetitions.—a. When words are missed or are doubtful, repetitions will be requested by the receiving station before receipting for the message. The procedure phrases "Say again" and "I say again" used alone or in conjunction with "all before," and "all after," "———— to ————" and "word after" will be used for this purpose.
b. In giving repetitions, the transmitting station will always repeat the words used in the request to identify the portions.
12. Correction of Messages.—a. Correction during transmission.—W^hen an error has been made by a transmitting operator, the procedure word "Correction" will be spoken, the last group or phrase sent correctly will be repeated, and the correct version then transmitted.
[Hullo] Able Baker—This is—Peter Three—Victor One Zero One—Correction—Victor One Zero Zero—etc.
b. Correction to a message being repeated back.
[Hullo] Peter Three—This is—Able Baker—Read Back—Convoy has arrived—Time 1630—Over.
[Hullo] Able Baker—This is—Peter Three—Convoy has arrived—Time 1640—Over.
[Hullo] Peter Three—This is—Able Baker—Wrong— Word after arrived—Time 1630—Over.
[Hullo] Able Baker—This is—Peter Three—Time 1630—Over.
[Hullo] Peter Three—This is—Able Baker—That is correct—Out.
13. Acknowledgment of Messages.—"Wilco" shall be used in response to the procedure word "Acknowledge" in the text of voice messages, or may be used to acknowledge receipt and capability to comply with an order received even though instructions to acknowledge were not included. As the meaning of "Roger" is included in that of "Wilco," the two words are never used together.
14. Radiotelephone (R/T) Executive Method (Maneuvering Procedure).—When voice procedure is used for the Executive Method (Maneuvering Procedure), the message shall be made either as—
a. A message, the purport of which is to be executed (carried out) upon receipt of the executive word which is included in the same message,
b. A message, the purport of which is not to be executed (carried out) until the receipt of the executive word which will be transmitted in a separate executive message (usually after the signal message has been receipted for). When necessary, the executive message must carry identification data to insure that the correct message is executed; normally this identification is the repetition of the text.
The executive word for United States Services is "Execute" and for British Services is "Go."
Example a
United States | British |
Dano this is Shoeblack | [Hullo] Dano this is Shoeblack |
Execute to follow | |
Break | |
Charlie Baker Baker | Charlie Baker Baker |
I say again | I say again |
Charlie Baker Baker | Charlie Baker Baker |
Standby | |
[pause] | [pause] |
Execute | Go |
Example b
United States | British |
Dano this is Shoeblack | [Hullo] Dano this is Shoeblack |
Execute to follow | |
Break | |
Charlie Baker Baker | Charlie Baker Baker |
I say again | I say again |
Charlie Baker Baker | Charlie Baker Baker |
Over | Over |
Receipt(s) are procured as follows:
Shoeblack this is Dano | [Hullo] Shoeblack this is Dano |
Roger—Over | Roger—Over |
Dano this is Shoeblack | [Hullo] Dano this is Shoeblack |
Standby | |
[pause] | |
Execute | Go |
15. Group Working.—When there are several stations working in a group, it may happen that a station other than the one called may not hear the transmission until it is half way through and so would not know whether the message were intended for it or not. To avoid confusion it might be advisable to repeat the call at the end of the transmission.
In net or group working, stations should answer in the alphabetical and numerical order of their call signs. When both alphabetical and numerical signs are in the net, the numerical calls should follow the alphabetical calls.
16. Signal Strength-Readability.—a. A station is understood to have good readability unless otherwise notified. Except when making original contact, strength of signals and readability will not be exchanged unless one station cannot clearly hear another station.
b. The response to "How do you hear me" will be a short concise report of actual reception, such as "weak but readable," "strong but distorted," etc.
17. Operating Signals.—In cases where operating signals would be applicable, the phraseology of the meaning attached to them or a shortened form will be used in radiotelephone (R/T) procedure.
18. Authentication.—Authentication of messages will be made in accordance with current instructions.
19. Two-Station Net.—In the following examples, a two-station net (one to one working) is assumed. The call signs of the stations are AWM and JFC.
a. Establishing communications.
JFC transmits {makes):
[Hullo] Able William Mike—This is Jig Fox Charlie—How do you hear me—Over.
AWM transmits {makes):
[Hullo] Jig Fox Charlie—This is Able William Mike—Okay—Over.
b. Further communication at a later time.
JFC transmits {makes):
[Hullo] Able William Mike—Message for you— Over.
AWM transmits {makes):
Send your message—Over.
JFC transmits {makes):
Read back—Break—Adopt plan—SKRAPS—I spell—Sugar—King—Roger—Roger—Correction— Sugar—King—Roger—Able—Peter—Sugar—two— three—five—nine—hours Time one—six—zero— zero—Over.
AWM transmits {makes):
Adopt plan SKRAPS—two—two—five—nine—hours Time one—six—zero—zero—Over
JFC transmits (makes):
Wrong—Word after SKRAPS—two—three—five— nine—Over.
AWM transmits {makes):
JPC transmits {makes):
That is correct—Out.
20. Four-Station Net.—In the following examples a four- station net (group) is assumed. The call signs are:
AWM—net control station (controlling station)
AB1—subordinate (out) station
AB2—subordinate (out) station
AB3—subordinate (out) station
XYZ—net call (collective call including station AWM, AB1, AB2 and AB3)AWM has a message for all stations in the net (group)
AWM transmits (makes):
[Hullo] Xray Yoke Zebra—this is Able William Mike— Message for you—Over.
AB1 transmits (makes):
This is Able Baker One—Send your message—Over.
AB2 transmits (makes):
This is Able Baker Two—Send your message— Over.
AB3 transmits (makes):
This is Able Baker Three—Send your message— Over.
AWI transmits (makes):
[Hullo] Xray Yoke Zebra—Adopt plan SKRAPS—I spell — Sugar — King — Roger — Able — Peter — Sugar — Two — Three — Five — Nine hours—Time one—seven—zero—zero—Over.AB1 transmits (makes):
This is One—Roger—Out.
AB2 transmits {makes):
This is Two—Say Again—Words Twice—Over.
AB3 transmits (makes):
This is Three — Say Again — Word After — SKRAPS—Over.
AWM transmits (makes):
[Hullo] Two and Three—I say again—Words twice—Adopt plan SKRAPS—Adopt plan SKRAPS—I spell—Sugar—King—Roger—Able- Peter—Sugar—I spell—S u g a r—King—Roger— Able—Peter—Sugar—two—three—five—nine hours —two—three—five—nine hours—Time one—seven —zero—zero—Time one—s eve n—z e r o—z e r o— Over.
AB2 transmits (makes):
This is Two—Roger—Out.
AB3 transmits (makes):
This is Three—Roger—Out.
Later the addressee served by AB2 wishes to have the text of this message verified.
AB2 transmits (makes):
[Hullo] Able William Mike—This is Two—Verify message—Time one—seven—zero—zero—Over.AWM transmits {makes):
Two—Roger—OutAWM wishes to correct message, transmits ( makes):
[Hullo] Xray Yoke Zebra—Message Time one— seven — zero — zero — Correction — Word after SKRAPS—two—two—five nine—I say again— two—two—five—nine—Acknowledge—Over.EACH SUBORDINATE STATION sends in turn:
"This is ———— Roger—Out".Later, to indicate receipt by addressee EACH STATION sends in turn, "This is ------ Your ———— Wilco— Out."
21. Communication among Small Stations.—The following examples refer to communication among small stations where messages are seldom written down. The call signs assumed are as follows:
EAGLE—Controlling station
EAGLK 1 to Eagle 5 inclusive—subordinate stations
"TWITTER"—net call signa. EAGLE with message for whole net (group) transmits {makes):
[Hullo] Twitter—This is EAGLE—Now past starting point—follow me—Over.STATIONS reply in turn:
This is One—Wilco—Out.
This is Two—Wilco—Out.
This is Three—Say again—Over.
This is Four—Wilco—Out.
This is Five—Wilco—Out.EAGLE transmits {makes):
[Hullo] Three—I say again—Now past starting point—follow me—Over.EAGLE 3 transmits {makes):
This is Three—Wilco—Out.b. EAGLE wishing to pass a procedure message for which an operating signal is applicable, calls whole group:
[Hullo] Twitter—This is EAGLE—Change to frequency Crasher*—Over.EACH station transmits {makes) in turn:
Wilco—Out.*NOTE.—Crasher is assumed to be a prearranged frequency code word.
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