Ocala, Florida
Liri Valley Tactical
Jan 13-15, 2006
This was the first event of 2006 for 3rd Platoon. We were attached to the 2nd
Rangers for this event. Some of these photos were taken with a "james
bond" zippo
lighter camera that my wife gave me. If you'd like to get a zippo camera,
you can get them at ThinkGeek.com .
More photos will be posted as the 35mm slides are developed. The rest were
taken with a period Kodak camera.
3rd Platoon members at Liri
(rear) (unidentified), Brian Mead, Louis Varnell, Phil Brinson
(front) Bo Turocy, Kevin Pecor
Bo Turocy, (unidentified), Phil Brinson, and Kevin Pecor before heading into
the field Saturday morning.
3rd Platoon heading toward the ill-fated bridge crossing
Taking Cover after the patrol was halted by the krauts defending the bridge.
Our patrol flanking kraut stronghold on Sunday
One of our adversaries
Kevin Pecor
Bo Turocy
Louis & Bo preparing to defend against the kraut counterattack
Our camp at the event. We used a remnant of a deuce tarp as our shelter.
Brian Mead's 1944 Willys MB
Main Allied camp
Krauts head off toward the Allied stronghold
Krauts cautiously advancing thru the woods.
Keving Pecor resting at the top of the final objective.
Kevin Pecor
Brian Mead
Bo Turocy
Louis Varnell
Louis Varnell with one of the Italian Soldiers