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To assemble the M1928 Pack with Full Equipment (with rations)


Place the assembled equipment on the ground, suspender side of the haversack down, pockets of cartridge belt up, haversack spread out, inside flap and pack carrier extended their full length to the rear. Place one container of hard bread on its side in the center of the haversack in front of and touching the line of attachment of the inside flap. Place two cans of meat component end to end, parallel to and in front of the can of hard bread. Place the remaining container of hard bread in front of the cans of the meat component. Place the toilet articles and socks in front of the hard bread.

The inside flap of the haversack is folded over these articles , the end of the flap being turned in so that the flap, thus shortened, extends about 2 inches beyond the top of the upper row; the sides of the haversack are folded over the sides of the rows; the upper binding straps are passed through the loops on the outside of the inside flap, each strap through the loop opposite the point of its attachment to the haversack body, and fastened by means of the buckle on the opposite side, the strap being passed through the opening in the buckle next to its attachment, over the center bar, and back through the opening of the buckle away from its attachment; the strap is pulled tight to make the fasstening secure; the outer flap of the haversack is folded over and fastened by means of the lower haversack binding strap and the buckle on the inside of the outer flap; the strap is pulled tight, drawing the outer flap snugly over the filled haversack. The haversack is now packed and the carrier is ready for the reception of the roll.

To make the Roll. Spread the shelter half on the ground and fold in the triangular end so that the shelter half forms a rectangle. Make a second fold by carrying the folded edge to the opposite edge. Fold the blanket twice parallel to its longer axis, so that the blanket is now one-fourth its previous width, and then fold once at the middle, so as to bring the ends together. This will forma a rectangle approximately 17 inches by 42 inches. Place the blanket symmetrically in the center of the folded shelter half; place the underwear, the tent pole and the pis on that end of the blanket from which the rolling is to begin (near end). Fold the sides and then the near end of the shelter half snugly over the blanket, fold 10 inches of the far end of the shelter half toward the blanket, and beginning at the near end, roll as tightly as possible, rolling the roll into folded end of the shelter half, thus making an envelope roll. Thent mates should help each other in rolling the pack as it is a two-man job and the pack must be rolled tightly to carry well on the march. A pack tightly rolled into an envelope will not come unrolled. It is waterproof, and when so rolled, will support the weight of the body in the water for some time.

To Assemble the Pack. Place the roll in the pack carrier and haversack with one end against the bottom of the packed haversack. Grasp the lower suspension rings one in each hand. Place the right knee against the bottom of the roll. Pull the carrier down and force the roll up close against the bottom of the packed haversack. Without removing the knee fasten the lower pack carrier binding strap over the roll and secure it by passing, from below, its ends up through the opening of its corresponding buckle away from the buckle attachment, then over the center bar, and down through the opening of the buckle next to the buckle attachment, and then back underneath the standing end of the strap. In a similar manner secure the third haversack binding strap and then the upper carrier binding strap. Engage the snap hooks on the pack suspenders in the suspension rings. The equipment is now assembled and packed as prescribed for the full equipment.

To Assemble the Full Equipment (without rations)

Place the equipment on the ground as hereetofore described. roll the toilet articles and the extra pair of socks in the inside flap so that the top of the toilet articles will be on line with the top of the haversack body. fold up the lower haversaack strap against the roll thus formed.

To Assemble the Pack. Place the roll on the haversack and pack carrier with its upper end straight against the roll formed by the toilet articles. Bind it to the haversack and carrier by the haversack and carrier binding straps, turning up the bottom of the pack carrier so that the folded edge will be even with the bottom of the roll and so that the lower carrier binding strap will engage the roll. Fold down the outer flap of the haversack and secure it by means of the middle binding strap and the buckle provided on the outside of the flap; engage the snap hooks of the pack suspenders in the lower suspension rings.

To Adjust the Equipment to the Soldier. Put on the equipment, slipping the arms one at a time throught the pack suspenders as through the sleeves of a coat; by means of the adjusting buckles on the belt suspenders, raise or lower the belt until it rests well down over the hip bones on the sides and below the pit of the abdomen in front; raise or lower it in rear until the adjusting strap lies smoothly across the small of the back; by means of the adjusting buckles on the pack suspenders, raise or lower the load on the back until the top of the haversack is on a level with the top of the shoulders, the pack suspenders, from their points of attachment to the haversack to tangency with the shoulders, being horizontal. The latter is absolutely essential to the proper adjustment of the load. The position of the belt is the same whether filled or empty.

To Assemble the Full Equipment Less the Pack (with rations)

Detach the carrier from the haversack; place the rest of the equipment on the ground as heretofore described; place the rations, the toilet articles and the socks in the middle of the haversack; fold the inside flap over the row thus formed; fold the sides of the haversack up and over; pass the three haversack binding straps through the loops on the inside flap and secure by means of the buckles on the opposite side of the haverack; pass the lower haversack binding strap through the small buttonhole in the lower edge of the haversack, fold the outer flap of the haversack over the whole and secure by means of the buckle on its underside and the lower haversack binding straps.

To Assemble the Full Equipment Less the Pack (without rations)

Detach the carrier from the haversack. Place the rest of the equipment on the ground as heretofore described. Fold up the inside flap of the haversack and form a pouch as described for assembling the full equipment, less pack, with rations. Place the socks and the toilet articles in the bottom of the pouch thus formed. Fold the outer flap of the haversack over the whole and secure it by means of the buckle on its under side and the lower haversack binding strap. Pass the haversack suspension rings through the contiguous buttonholes in the ower edge of the haversack and engage the snap hooks on the ends of the pack suspenders.

To Adjust the Equipment to the Soldier. Put on the equipment as described for the full equipment. Adjust the cartridge belt as described for the full equipment. Adjust the pack suspenders so that the top of the haversack is on a level with the top of the shoulders.

To Discard the Pack without Removing the Equipment

Unsnap the pack suspenders from the suspension rings and snap them into the eyelets on top of the belt and in rear of the rear pockets of the right and left pocket sections; support the bottom of the pack with the left hand and with the right hand grasp the coupling strap at its middle and withdraw first one end, then the other; press gently down on the pack with both hands and remove it. When the pack has been removed, lace the coupling strap into the buttonholes along the upper edge of the carrier. Adjust the pack suspenders.

Special Articles. Plate 89 shows the manner in which the overcoat and belmet are carried. The overcoat is secured at the middle and both ends by tent rope. The helmet is attached by placing the chin strap over the meat can pouch; the chin strap is fastened by means of a cord (shoe or breeches lace). The overcoat is laid flat, outside down, folded and rolled tight. About 9 inches of the bottom of the skirt is folded over to make an envelope. The roll is placed on the pack with the opening down. The raincoat is folded into a rectangle about 10 1/2 by 8 1/2 inches, with the outside of the raincoat over. It is then placed between the inner and outer haversack flaps. It is secured with the lower haversack binding strap by passing this strap under the bottom haversack binding strap and fastening it tightly to the buckle on the under side of the outer haversaack flap.

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