- Instrument case and medical pouches; flaps underneath, tags and
pencil pulled up.
- Medical suspender; no space between suspender and shelterhalf.
- Two cantle straps and 2 litter caarrying straps.
- Raincoat. 8 1/2" x 10" folded flush to edges of shelterhalf.
- Shelterhalf and blanket.
- Tent pins; begin 1" from pole.
- Tent pole; end with nail toward inspecting officer.
- Shirt; flush to edges of shelterhalf.
- Drawers; half over shirt.
- Handkerchief; to bottom edge and center of drawers.
- Web pistol belt, first aid pouch.
- Tent rope.
- Canteen pouch.
- Haversack; no space between it and suspender flaps.
- Meat can cover; 1" from handle.
- Shoe laces, neatly rolled.
- Canteen cup; line up with the outer edge of middle buckle and edge
of canteen.
- Meat can, knife, fork, and spoon, "U.S." up, handle 1"
from edge of haversack.
- Toothpowder.
- Socks. heels to left of inspector, bottom of sock toward him, toes
- Shaving brush.
- Shaving stick.
- Razor.
- Razor blades.
- Toothbrush.
- Comb.
- Soap.
- Towel; fold extends to edge of haversack only.
- Handaxe.
- Canteen. line up with edge of haversack and edge of meat can.
- Helmet.
- Field ration.
- Gas mask.