Information for Women's Army Auxiliary Corps Enrollees Regarding Personal Equipment Which May Be Brought to WAAC Training Center
info from a display at the U.S. Army Women's Museum
- The one object of the WAAC Training Center at Fort Des Moines will be intensive training.
- Realizing that best results will be obtained from a well equipped group, it is suggested that the inclosed list of items be brought with you.
- Personal clothing suggested is for use with civilian dress only, as all uniforms will be furnished.
- It is requested that no electrical appliance be brought as their use at the center is prohibited.
- The bringing of additional athletic equipment is encouraged.
- Care should be exercised to insure equipment brought can be stored in a locker the same size as the regulation Army footlocker.
Alcohol, rubbing Athletic equipment Billfold Blades and razor Brush, clothes Brush, hair Brush, nails Coat hangers Comb Cosmetics Cup, eye Curlers, hair Dentifrice Deodorant Dental floss Eye wash Hot water bottle Housecoat, thin material Hand lotion Hair nets Kit, sewing Kit, shoe shine Manicure set |
Mirror Mouthwash Pen Pencil Pocket knife Powder, bath Powder, foot Powder, talcum Sanitary napkins Scissors Shampoo Slipper, bedroom Soap Stamps Stationary Suit and cap, bathing Tissue, cleansing Tweezers Washcloth Wrist watch Not more than two outfits civilian clothes if desired. |